Augmented Reality for Safety

Download the free Pro Vision AR iOS application and use augmented reality to reduce liability

Know More & Reduce Risk Compare Design with Reality

We give you the ability to upload and display your own augmented reality (AR) models on your iOS device. Turn CAD and GIS models into AR. The Pro Vision AR web-user interface allows you to upload .csv and .fbx files on your iOS or Apple device. All stakeholders can benefit from having more accurate design and infrastructure information at their finger tips when they are out in the field. Turn GPS or GNSS data into 3D Models and display them via your iPhone or iPad out in the field to compare your georeferenced data with real world geographic settings and infrastructure.

U.S Utility Strike Statistics 2021

With more than 20 million miles of buried pipelines, cables, wires and other facilities, the Common Ground Alliance (CGA) estimates that there are at least 400,000 utility strikes per year in the United States. In 2021, the cost of utility strikes to the US economy was estimated to be more than $30 billion. Approximately 36.52 percent of strikes were due to miss marked utilities, record map issues, unknown utilities, locator error, no response from locator and tracer wire issues.

Subsurface Underground Engineering (SUE)

From a study of 71 projects with a combined construction value in excess of $1 billion, the results indicated the effectiveness of the study was a total of $4.62 in savings for every $1.00 spent on SUE. Jul 21, 2017. One study showed results as high as $206 savings for every $1.00 spent.

Sun Prairie, Wisconsin Utility Strike 2018