Frequently Asked Questions

Pro Vision AR uses the camera feed in your iOS device to project a georeferenced 3D model. Your 3D model is displayed using Augmented Reality to its geographic location on earth (latitude and longitude) utilizing Bluetooth via GNSS or GPS and a control point you specify.

Pro Vision AR works with iOS devices that support iOS 16.5 or greater. Newer iOS devices will perform better. For best results Bluetooth your iOS device to a high accuracy Bad Elf Bad Elf Flex Mini Extreme.

Pro Vision AR is free for accounts with 5 users. Each additional user account created will incur an additional $5.00/month charge to the primary account.

Yes, please email us at: and we will reach out to you. Or use the contact us page.

iOS 16.5 is required for Pro Vision AR to be downloaded from the app store. To check what iOS version you have go to Settings – General – About

The best GPS devices to use with Pro Vision AR is the Bad Elf Flex Mini Extreme. We are working to allow more devices to connect.

No, personal data is not shared with third parties. The only data we collect is your email and IMEI to prevent sharing of accounts. We only have data that you give us and it is not shared with any third parties.

Pro Vision AR supports the following data types:

  1. .csv (Comma Separated Values): You can import and work with CSV files in Pro Vision AR.
  2. .fbx (Filmbox): Pro Vision AR also supports FBX format, which is widely used for 3D models and animations.

Your model is securely hosted on a cloud service. For more security information contact us at

A request for proposals (RFP) should be sent to you will be put in touch with a staff member. They will handle the process and can answer all question that may arise.

Yes, but you will need to have a separate email for each account and your device’s IMEA or i.p. address will be associated with one account.

Yes, including but not limited to .dwg, .dxf, shapefiles, feature classes, latitude and longitude points. Many types of data can be transformed to .csv files (max 2MB) or .fbx files (max 25MB). However, .FBX and .CSV are the only types that can be uploaded to a project.

A .fbx file is a type of 3D model. To create a .fbx file you can use Blender, a free and open source 3D computer graphics software, and the GIS add on from GitHub. It is easiest to start with a shapefile that can be exported from AutoCAD civil 3D or ArcGIS Pro. For more details watch our How to video.

CSV stands for Comma-Separated values. A .csv file is a text file format that uses commas to separate values and new lines. To create a .csv file there are several options.

  1. Use Microsoft Excel using the first column for latitude, second column for longitude, and third column for depth. When saving the file be sure to change the file to to .csv.
  2. Use a text editor like Wordpad or Notepad. Again, be sure to save the file as .csv.

With CAD data you can create a .csv or .fbx. To create a .csv watch our tutorial. To create a .fbx you will have to export your data as a shapefile and modify it using Blender, watch our tutorial.

If you have GIS data you can create a .csv by extracting the latitude and longitude from the attribute table. Just be sure the coordinates are in decimal degree format. To create a . fbx you will have to export the utilities as one shapefile and import it to Blender, watch the tutorial linked above.

.csv files are essentially x, y, and z data, the depth column is the z value. .csv files must have a depth column to be uploaded to a project. The greater the number in the depth column the lower the model will appear relative to or beneath the ground surface. Ground level is 0. The depth value can also be a negative number, which will be displayed above ground.

They are both good and each has it’s own benefits and drawbacks.

FBX files tend to look more realistic with utilities being represented with a 3D pipe. However, these are harder to create, often take more time, and require unique but free software.

CSV files are represented with a 12″ flat line. These files are a simpler format to create. Drawbacks include the increased risk of a typo, using the wrong coordinate system or using the wrong type of latitude and longitude.

You can still convert your data to an AR model which can be georeferenced to where ever you chose. Pro Visions AR does not accept responsibility for the accuracy of your data or it’s display to your camera feed. You can do some research and find the best coordinate system for your project area. Often there will be more than one suitable coordinate system.

You can use various software applications which can give you latitude and longitude in decimal degree (46.780012, -92.091528) associated aerial imagery. Be ware that aerial Imagery tends to have some distortion associated with it. Ultimately you want your data to be displayed in its real life location so pick a above ground reference spot for your data such as a hydrant or manhole cover.

You must close out of Pro Vision AR and re-load the application. All of your projects should be updated once the application has been re-loaded.

Thumbnails should be approximately 400 x 300 px for best display. The Pro Vision AR web application accepts .jpg and .png for project thumbnails.

AR data will tend to “float” as you move around. This is because the software displays your data upon the viewed background or your camera feed. If the data is moving while you are viewing it try connecting a high accuracy GPS for a more stabilized model. Additionally, you may not be directly over the location of the data yet and it will appear to be moving away fro you until you are directly above the utility line.

Models that are underground will look slightly transparent. Models that appear solid are above ground. In this photo the sanitary line goes from above ground to below ground, note the transparency difference as the line goes down.

There are 6 supported utility types:

  1. Communication– These are usually telephone, TV, or fiber optic cables.
  2. Gas– Can contain liquid or vapor. If struck could cause a leak with more potential dangers like explosion.
  3. Electric– These may be overhead and/or buried. Active lines are dangerous to strike for workers and equipment if not located properly.
  4. Sanitary– Also called sewer/sewage lines. These are even in uninhabited areas. Leaks will contaminate soil or cause health hazards if mixed in water mains.
    • Storm– Is also sanitary. Often concrete or metal pipes that carry water. Can be older and unregistered but have manholes for location referencing.
  5. Water– Carrying water for drinking, irrigation, and commercial usage. Water spills can result in extensive property damage.
  6. Other/Unknown– all other material types will show up as purple.

If you create a model using a .fbx file each utility segment has an associated material type: water, gas, communication, sanitary, or electric. If there is not a material type associated with the data the default material type is unknown and is displayed in a purple color. For .csv files you assign each segment a utility type, while creating your project, if it is not one of the previously 5 mentioned types it can be assigned unknown.

Most likely there is an issue with the material type you assigned the object in Blender. Check in Blender that the material type is spelled correctly and does not have any extension (.001 or .other). The 5 utility types are electric, water, sanitary, communication, and gas. The capitalization does not effect the material type.

Yes. To make a FBX file more realistic the main feature of models you can change is width and if the utility is shaded with edges or smooth. Using programs like Blender, which is free, allow you to edit FBX files. With an FBX file you have the option to add other 3D elements to your model such as a hydrant or manhole cover.

To make .csv files more realistic change the value in the depth column or segment type to change the color.

No, although your model will show up indoors it will not likely work well because it needs to use GPS or GNSS which is a satellite dependent service. Pro Vision AR will perform best in open spaces where satellites are most accessible.

To view the model click on your project from the application home page. Once the project has opened point the camera to the ground and once you see the green grid click on the screen. Now move the camera up towards the road and look around for your model.

If you still do not see the model check the project location in your account. There is a map within each project that will have a red locator pin where the model will show up.

For a .csv project the segments will also appear on the project map. If you do not see the segments on the map, double check your coordinates and make sure they are in decimal degrees.

If you created a model from the model library parts make sure you removed the extra origins that are imported with each model part. See question “How to use the model library parts?”

Point your device camera towards the ground. If the blue grid does not show up try panning around the room as the AR environment is calibrating the environment. Try pointing the camera to the ground again and wait for the camera to focus. If you are on grass or other textured surfaces it can take a little longer for the grid to show up. Repeat the steps and it will show up.

It is up to each user to verify the accuracy of the data that they are working with from start to finish. Data collection, model creation, georeferencing and coordinate conversion or assignment all require accuracy for proper display. Always call before you dig 811.

The only requirement for Pro Vison AR is the iOS version installed on the iPhone. Pro Vision AR requires iOS 16.5.

Each iPhone has its own camera features. For increased stability of your model it is recommended to use an iPhone with LiDAR, Pro and Pro Max iPhones 12 or newer include LiDAR. Best results use a GPS or GNSS device.

Yes, you can convert many kinds of data such as .klm or .xml data to .csv data. Your data can be converted into .csv format to work with Pro Vision AR. Properly converted data will have 3 columns: latitude, longitude, and depth. The latitude and longitude must be in decimal degrees.

See your GPS or GNSS device’s manufacturing guide.

Pro Vision AR works best when used with a high accuracy device. Using Pro Vision without a GPS or GNSS will likely result in your model not showing up in the proper location. (See iPhone gps information).

No, we do not guarantee the accuracy of devices that you are using. We also do not guarantee the accuracy of the model that you have uploaded.

When the Bad Elf GPS is connected and you are placing your model within ProVision AR, at the top of viewer by the coordinates, there will be a icon highlighted in green that says Bad Elf.

Ultimately, it is up to you to read and understand the GPS and GNSS device that you are using. We are working on compatibility with different devices.

GPS/GNSS are used in the initial placement of the model only. The Bad Elf Flex Mini Extreme uses 6 decimal places for accuracy.

Yes, you are rotating the model around the georeferenced point. However, the model is no longer connected to your GPS device and will not update.

No, you are moving the georeferenced point off its origin thus it is no longer in the accurate GPS location.

The model can be moved directionally on the ground plane. Which means you can move the model right, left, away, and towards you. At this time moving the model up and down is not an option once the model is in a project. To correct elevation in an .fbx file you can adjust the model elevation in Blender or if using a .csv file increase the value in the depth column.

To reset a model to its original placement you will have to restart the project. To do this click the home icon in the top left corner and then click on the project again to open it. You will have to re-place the model by clicking the blue grid and the model has been reset it its original location.

Projects are only limited in file size, 2MB for .csv files and .25MB for .fbx files. However, the further away from the origin point you get the more difficult it becomes for the GPS to position the model accurately. To prevent any issues we recommend making several models for each project and grouping them within you account. The area you include in each model can vary based on your preference, we recommend around 200ft.

The FBX library is full of ready to use .fbx files to be used to create bigger models representing your utilities.

Download the fbx files you will need for your larger model. You will need to import each .fbx into blender to build the full model. Next steps include:

  • Move individual models into place
  • Resize if needed
  • Assign material type
  • Move underground

Next, you will have to join all the pieces and remove the extra origins. (The origin is the small orange dot.) When each model is added, it has its own origin within the scene collection panel. Go through every object to see which objects have extra origins. Those objects can be deleted and the extra origins will be removed with it. Lastly, you will have to export the project as an .fbx and create a project in your Pro Vision AR account.